Now That I Mention It

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

God save us from idiocy

In Memory of Victoria

"Dumbya" has managed to defeat the hopes of every person hoping for a cure for diabetes, paralysis, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and a host of other diseases and injuries with his veto. Apparently it crossed some "moral boundary" that he has set.

I guess it wasn't against his moral boundaries to lie to the American people and lead them into an unnecessary war where our husbands, wives, sisters and brothers would be killed or maimed for no apparent reason. He also didn't seem to have any "moral boundary" issues when he was wiretapping people's phone lines and lying about that. Where was his "moral boundary" when the poor people of New Orleans were drowning in filth?

For Bush to call himself a Christian actually nauseates me. Perhaps it is time he stepped back and asked "What would Jesus do?" Would Jesus have left his fellow men adrift in a river of sewage and human remains to fend for themselves? Would Jesus leave his people in a country barraged by bombs and then ask them to pay their own way home? Surely as a Christian Mr. Bush is familiar with the name "Jesus Christ". Most of us remember him as the guy who died on the cross so that we might be cleansed of our sins. Mr.Bush doesn't seem to remember him at all.

Three of the definitions of Christian are as follows:

1. Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus; Christlike.
2. Relating to or characteristic of Christianity or its adherents.
3. Showing a loving concern for others; humane.

Not once can I remember "W" or any of his cronies displaying any of the aforementioned qualities. If they had then perhaps many of the people of New Orleans would be safe tonight instead of dead. Perhaps the men and women killed in Iraq would be at home with their loved ones instead of being just a memory in a photograph on the wall. Maybe if he had listened to the warnings preceding the 9/11 attacks there would be 2,749 more people on this Earth tonight.

There is no excuse for the kind of behavior this administration has displayed. Bush is quite simply a buffoon and a puppet for the likes of Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rove. The fact that the American people actually voted him into office in 2004 (we all know who really won in 2000!) simply stuns me. What group of people who refer to themselves as "Christians" could put into office a group of people who so obviously do not posess any of the qualities of a Christian?

Tonight before I go to bed I will say a prayer. I will pray tonight that people with good sense actually find a way into power and people with power might actually obtain an iota of good sense.

P.S. The photo above is of my half-sister, Victoria, who could have been spared dying at age 23 and leaving a 4 year old daughter behind if there had simply been a cure for the Type 1 diabetes that caused the coronary artery disease that killed her.


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